“Blooper”多指电影或视频作品中被删减的片断,通常都包括演员们表演失误的镜头。—A blooper usually describes ashort sequence of a film or video production which contains a mistake made by a member of the cast or crew. 这也是Wilkpedia 对bloopers的定义。这些花絮经常会成为电视节目的素材,有时也会在喜剧电影结尾出字幕时播放。运动员们比赛时令人捧腹的失误也叫做blooper。
“feature"特指电影里的花絮。大众喜闻乐见的"花絮"其实是对feature的音译。应用语境例如:The entertainment function of shooting feature in the ending of film& take the film acted by Jack Chan as example. 电影末尾拍摄花絮的审美娱乐功能&以成龙主演的电影为例。
3、"Shooting sidelight"
"sidelight"这个单词更带有一些"意外的"的含义.应用语境例如:They were little more than a farcical sidelight of the giant international St.Louis Expo held the same year. 这次奥运会只能算做当年同时举行的 规模宏大的圣路易斯国际博览会一段令人发笑的花絮。